Indian Institute of Hams (IIH) has formed a dedicate team of volunteers to extend Ham communication link for all motor rallies held in India since 15 years. Dr. Sathyapal, VU2FI is the Communication Chief for almost all the motor rallies in India. We have earned a very good amongst the motor sports clubs in India for providing meaninful effective, timely communication to the organizers and safely of the competitors
QUIZ ON AIR:Almost every year we select 10 educational institution and setup Ham radio station (VHF) and conduct QUIZ ON AIR programme. Topics: 10 minutes talk on Ham Radio, 10 minutes talk on Road Safety then followed by Quiz, atleast 10 rounds. Quiz Master will operate from INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HAMS or any one educational institutions which will be Master Quiz Control Room. Certificates to all the contestants and first top three prizes are awarded in our annual day meets "SILICON CITY HAM MEET".
QUIZ ON WHEELS:Recently, we took 30 engineering students and faculty members from Reva University and new call sign holders to a field day. We had eight cars covering distance of 350 kilometres. During our journey, we conduct Quiz on Wheels (Electronics, Operating Procedures etc). All participants were thrilled and enjoyed the quiz.
RADIO DIRECTION FINDING (Fox Hunt):We often conduct these programmes at education institutions, it is by foot with one kms radius. We teach them the skills to find radio signals using indigenous Yagi antennas.
INSTITUTIONAL HAM PROMOTIONS :IIH has conducted many training programmes at various educational institutions like VIT University, NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, M.S.Ramaiah Engineering College, PES University, SIDDAGANGA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-TUMKUR, Nagarjuna Institute of Technology, Devanahalli, Sastra University, Kumbakonam, many more colleges in Karnataka and in other neighbouring states. Reva University is one which has shown very keen interest in taking this particular Ham movement to their faculty members and students in general since past two years. Many faculty members and students have got the Ham licenses during 2017 and hence, we appealed Reva University to associate to host Hamfest India 2018. Thanks to Dr. P.Shyama Raju, Chancellor, Dr. S.Y.Kulkarni, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. M.Dhanamjaya, Registrar and Dr. R.Venkata Siva Reddy, VU3UFF Profession, School of ECE extending all possible support to host this mega Ham convention at their Reva University Campus near Yelahanka, Bengaluru on 29th and 30th December 2018.
SPECIAL INNOVATIVE WAY OF PROMOTING HAM RADIO AMONGST ENGINEERING COLLEGES :We adopt a city and select one university or a college, we invite all neighbouring colleges, one or two faculty members to represent and one day workshop on Ham Radio. Workshop covers introduction to ham radio, technical developments and how students can take up the projects, social networking, disaster management, test equipments, different types of antennas, EME and Satellite tracking and its experimentation, live demonstrations, getting Ham license, setting up of Ham Radio stations and clubs etc. Once the workshop is done, faculty member who attended this workshop will carry further Ham activities and promotions in their colleges / university in association with INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HAMS. We have associated with plenty such institutions in India.