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<REGISTRATION FOR ONLINE TUTORIALS: IIH will conduct Ham Radio training ONLINE on specific days & timings. You can listen, interact directly from your home. Note: Ham Classes only on Saturdays 6.00pm - 8 pm and Sundays 9.30am to 11.30 am. Dates are subject to change. Note: Batch consists of total 10 classes duration 2 hours each considered as one batch. for Registration Contact: Dr. S.SATHYAPAL, Director-IIH , Mob: +91 94483 02677 or e-mail: or click here
About us

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HAMS (IIH) was established as a registered trust in 1993 for promoting Amateur (HAM) Radio in India, has reached yet another milestone of completing 25 years of continuous service. IIH is founded by Dr. Sathyapal, VU2FI and Sri. R.J.Marcus VU2VTM
IIH is actively associated with Department of Youth Empowerment and Sports, Government of Karnataka having established Ham Radio Station and training centre at Kanteerava Outdoor Stadium, Kasturba Road, Bengaluru -560 001, India.
Indian Institute of Hams is affiliated to National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR), Hyderabad and Institutional Member, Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI).

Since inception, IIH has made tremendous strides in awareness on amateur radio and increasing population of Hams by approximately 10000 hams in INDIA, with its members spread all over the world. From its early days, IIH was well recognized for its activities and received "RAJIV GANDHI AWARD" for two consecutive years in 1995 and 1996 for best promotion of ham radio activities in India, award was presented by Smt. Sonia Gandhi who is also a Ham with a call sign VU2SON.

read more..

Know our net control
  • 01.Dr.SP -  VU2FI
  • 04.NISHA -VU2NIS
  • 08.BENNY---VU2MZN
  • 12.ADRIAN - VU3TMY
  • slider html
  • 15.BEN -VU3EXP
01.Dr.SP -  VU2FI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
01.Dr.SP - VU2FI
css slideshow by v9.0

Dr.S.Satyapal - VU2FI ; Varadan - VU3ITI ; Karunakar - VU2KNE ; Nisha - VU2NIS; Achar - VU2MLA ; Balvant - VU2BRT ; Rajan - VU2JXM; Dr.Benny - VU2MZN ; Nandu - VU2JEI ; Venkat - VU2IIM Suganya - VU3DUG ; Adrian -VU3TMY ; Lakshmikanth- VU3UAR ; Neil - VU3EFZ ; Ben - VU3EWP .


Attention all VU Hams & SWLs!
The WPC Wing, DOT, Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India has notified through the Office Memorandum File No. Project/ASMS/02/2019 (Part-1) dated 27 July 2020 that with effect from 1 August 2020 all applications for Amateur Radio are to be done only online through Practical guidelines for the same are given as follows:

Links Courtesy: NIAR/VU2JOS
Latest WPC Circulars:

Import of Amateur Radio Equipment : 2020-21
Detailed article about import of equipment by Radio Amateurs in India written by     Mr. Devadas, VU2DH of Chennai whose profession is Shipping & International Freight Forwading is available
click here
Useful links
Amateur Radio HF/VHF/UHF Repeater Stations in India :

Compiled by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS,
National Institute of Amateur Radio,NIAR.
Please click the link below.

  1. For VHF/UHF Repeaters :
    Location Wise:
  2. For VHF/UHF Repeaters :
    Frequency Wise::
  3. For VHF/UHF Repeaters :
    Callsign Wise:
  4. For VHF/UHF Nets :
    Nets Time Wise:
  5. For VHF/UHFNets:
    Location Wise:
  6. For HFNets:
    Location Wise: